Wealthsimple is a 2016 Webby Award Winner!
“The Oscars of the Internet” just named us the best financial services website in the world (and, yes, we geeked out a little on the Red Carpet).
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We were honoured to take part in Monday night’s Webby Awards ceremony at Cipriani’s in New York City. And not because a bunch of financial technologists like ourselves got to rub elbows with likes of Kim Kardashian and Lena Dunham (but, hey, we're not complaining).

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If you don't know the Webby Awards, it's like the Oscars but for nerds who instead of starring in "Avengers 3," spend their lives building tools they hope will make our every day lives better. One more thing we love about the Webbys: The 5-word acceptance speech (which we think is even better than the Oscars). We used ours to shout out the new Canadian triple threat–Trudeau, Drake, and now Wealthsimple:
So what'd we win? The 2016 Best Financial Services Website award. And who'd we beat? Folks like Morgan Stanley, Coutts, and FlashFunders–some of them from the same community of giant financial institutions we hope to beat when it comes to investing your money in a smarter way. What does this mean for the future of Wealthsimple? Not a whole lot. Awards are nice, but we really do it for you, the Wealthsimple community. So thanks for your trust, support, and holding our feet to the fire as we work every day to make investing smarter, easier, and more accessible for everybody.
And if you're not part of the Wealthsimple community yet because you've been waiting until you could say the words "Hey, I just signed up for the winner of the Best Financial Services Webby," well, now you don't have any excuses. So join us.