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A Comprehensive Guide to RRSP Transfers

Updated March 15, 2025


You can contribute to your RRSPs or transfer them between institutions any time before your 71st birthday. You may want to transfer your account to get lower fees at a different institution, to consolidate your money (and have one fewer password to remember), or to get investment options that you think line up better with your long-term goals. You can transfer the full balance of your account or only part of it. One thing you can’t do, however, is transfer your RRSP to another person.

Considering there is no age minimum to open an RRSP, you might have an account for decades. At some point, you may want to move that account from one financial institution to another. Here’s how — and why — to do that and how to avoid any major tax implications if you do.

What is an RRSP transfer? 

An RRSP transfer lets you move money, investments, or both from one RRSP account to another. It’s often done directly between two financial institutions and can take anywhere from a few days to six weeks to process. You can swap institutions at any time, as long as you’re under 71 years of age at the end of the year in which you make the transfer.

Reasons to transfer an RRSP

  • Lower fees. Management fees can range widely between institutions, and while a few tenths of a percentage point might not sound like a lot when it comes to investments, those fees can really add up over time. 

  • Consolidation. It’s easy to end up with more than one RRSP in more than one place. Consolidating them all into a single RRSP (or at least into multiple RRSPs at a single institution) can make for much easier management.

  • Better investment options. Not every bank offers the same investment products, whether it’s access to specific funds or types of assets, like private credit or venture capital. People who feel restricted in their investment options are able to switch their accounts to a provider that offers the products they're looking for.

  • Consolidation benefits. Many banks and financial institutions have perks and benefits based on the number of assets you hold with them. Lower commission fees, higher interest rates, and other benefits could be unlocked the more you hold your investments together.

Types of RRSP transfers 

Whichever transfer method you choose, it’s important to have the transfer initiated by a financial institution. If you withdraw the money yourself to move to a new institution, the government considers that an RRSP withdrawal and you’ll be on the hook for the related taxes. While your financial institution may charge a fee of $50-$200 in order to execute the transfer, sometimes the brokerage you transfer your account to will cover that charge. 

Partial transfers vs. full transfers

RRSPs can contain many different types of assets, including cash, stocks, and bonds. Just because you’re moving some of those assets around doesn’t mean the rest have to come along for the ride. 

Partial transfers allow you to move certain assets in one RRSP account to another, while leaving others untouched. Full transfers move the entire book of assets and holdings from one RRSP account to another. 

In-kind transfers vs. in-cash transfers

The term “in-kind” is just another way of saying “as-is.” An in-kind transfer swaps one institution for another without making changes to the contents of the account. It’s important to note that you can only complete an in-kind transfer to an institution that offers the investment options you currently own. The biggest advantage of an in-kind transfer is that you do not need to sell your securities to move them; they are just held by a different institution. 

In-cash RRSP transfers first liquidate the assets in one account before moving the balance to a new account in the form of cash. This type of transfer is commonly used when changing investment strategies or taking advantage of investment options that weren’t offered by the institution that held the RRSP previously.

How to transfer your RRSP

Although the process varies based on the institutions you’re transferring from and to, here’s the gist.

  1. Open the new RRSP account at the institution you want to move to. You can’t transfer anything to an account that doesn’t exist.

  2. Initiate the transfer. This often happens through the institution receiving the new account, since they’re much more excited to get your money than the old institution is to give it away. You’ll also need the most recent statement from the RRSP you are transferring. Then you’ll need to designate the type of transfer (partial or full, in-kind or in-cash).

  3. Wait. Some transfers take a few days. Others take weeks — sometimes even more than a month. You’ll want to follow up in case of any delays.

RRSP Transfers FAQs

No. As long as you conduct the transfer through a registered financial institution and don’t withdraw funds from the RRSP, RRSP transfers carry no tax implications.

No, an RRSP cannot be transferred to anyone, not even a spouse.

Yes, you are able to transfer your RRSP to another financial institution at any time; however, they may impose a fee between $50 to $150 for transferring funds out of your account. Some institutions will reimburse those fees when you transfer an account to them.

The only restriction is your age: you can no longer contribute to or transfer your RRSP after December 31st of the year you turn 71. Other than that, you can transfer your RRSP anytime you’d like.

No, you are able to transfer your RRSP in full no matter the balance.

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