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Wealthsimple Self-directed Investing


Self-directed Investing is offered by Wealthsimple Investments Inc. (“WSII”). WSII is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization. Customer accounts held at WSII are protected by Canadian Investor Protection Fund (“CIPF”) within specified limits in the event WSII becomes insolvent. A brochure describing the nature and limits of coverage is available upon request or at CIPF


Wealthsimple may charge a foreign exchange fee for converting between CAD and USD. See fee schedule for details.

No Advice

Wealthsimple will not provide any recommendations to you and will not be responsible for making a suitability determination of trades when accepting orders from you. You alone will be responsible for your own investment decisions and Wealthsimple will not consider your financial situation, investment knowledge, investment objectives, savings objectives and risk tolerance when accepting orders from you. Wealthsimple does not provide financial, legal, tax or investment advice or recommendations.

Wealthsimple Crypto


Crypto is offered by Wealthsimple Investments Inc. (“WSII”). WSII is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization. Crypto-assets are not protected by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund, the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other investor protection insurance scheme. Any coins showcased are for illustration purposes only and are not recommendations or investment advice.


On each Order, WSII adds a margin to the exchange rate provided to us by the Liquidity Provider. See fee schedule for details. 

Wealthsimple Managed Investing

Managed accounts are offered by Wealthsimple Inc., a registered portfolio manager in each province and territory of Canada. Assets in your managed account are held in an account with Wealthsimple’s affiliated custodial broker, Wealthsimple Investments Inc. (“WSII”). WSII is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (“CIRO”). Customer accounts held at WSII are protected by Canadian Investor Protection Fund (“CIPF”) within specified limits in the event WSII becomes insolvent. A brochure describing the nature and limits of coverage is available upon request or at CIPF. Wealthsimple Inc. is not a member of CIRO nor a member of CIPF.

Wealthsimple Cash

Our Cash product is offered by Wealthsimple Investments Inc. (“WSII”), a member of the the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (“CIRO”), and Wealthsimple Payments Inc., a FINTRAC registered money services business. The funds added to Cash account(s) (the “Funds”) are ultimately held securely in trust in the name of the primary account holder with a single or multiple members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (“CDIC”). CDIC protects eligible deposits held at CDIC member institutions in case of a member institution’s failure. Wealthsimple Payments Inc. and WSII are not CDIC member institutions. Under the trust framework, CDIC insures eligible cash balances up to $100,000 per beneficiary, per member institution, provided certain disclosure rules are met. Coverage is free and automatic. Learn more about how CDIC protection works. Funds must be spread across at least 10 CDIC member institutions in order for up to $1,000,000 in deposits to benefit from applicable CDIC coverage. The advertised interest rate for the Cash Account is derived from interest earned by Wealthsimple on the funds. The rates are annualized rates, calculated daily, and paid monthly. Subject to change. For more information see here. The Funds are settled with any CDIC member(s) one business day following the date that Funds are reflected in the Account.

The Wealthsimple Mastercard® Prepaid card is issued by KOHO Financial Inc. pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. All terms applicable to the Cash Card and all applicable fees and transaction limits with respect to the Cash Card and the services may be found in the Wealthsimple Cash Mastercard® Prepaid Card Cardholder Agreement between you and KOHO Financial Inc. Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.

Wealthsimple USD Cash

Our Cash product is offered by Wealthsimple Investments Inc. (“WSII”), a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (“CIRO”), and Wealthsimple Payments Inc., a FINTRAC registered money services business. The advertised interest rate for the Cash Account is derived from interest earned by Wealthsimple on the funds. The rates are annualized rates, calculated daily, and paid monthly. Subject to change. For more information see here. The Funds are settled with any CDIC member(s) one business day following the date that Funds are reflected in the Account.

Wealthsimple Registered Savings Account

Our Registered Savings Accounts are offered by Wealthsimple Investments Inc. (WSII). WSII is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO). Registered Savings Accounts held at WSII are not protected by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). All cash balances from your Wealthsimple Registered Savings Account are held in trust for you with members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). WSII is not a CDIC member institution. CDIC protects eligible deposits held at CDIC member institutions in case of a member institution’s failure. CDIC is a federal Crown corporation. CDIC is not a bank or a private insurance company. Under the trust framework CDIC insures eligible cash balances up to $100,000 per beneficiary (Wealthsimple Registered Savings Account customer) per member institution, provided certain disclosure rules are met. Coverage is free and automatic. Learn more about how CDIC protection works.

Wealthsimple Work

Our Wealthsimple Work product is offered by Wealthsimple Inc., a registered portfolio manager in each province and territory of Canada. Assets in your Wealthsimple Work account are held in an account with Wealthsimple’s affiliated custodial broker, Wealthsimple Investments Inc. (“WSII”). WSII is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (“CIRO”). Customer accounts held at WSII are protected by Canadian Investor Protection Fund (“CIPF”) within specified limits in the event WSII becomes insolvent. A brochure describing the nature and limits of coverage is available upon request or at CIPF. Wealthsimple Inc. is not a member of CIRO nor a member of CIPF.

Wealthsimple Save

Our Save accounts are offered by Wealthsimple Investments Inc. (“WSII”). WSII is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization. Save accounts held at WSII are not protected by Canadian Investor Protection Fund. All cash balances from your Wealthsimple Save account(s) are held in trust for you with members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (“CDIC”). WSII is not a CDIC member institution. CDIC protects eligible deposits held at CDIC member institutions in case of a member institution’s failure. CDIC is a federal Crown corporation. CDIC is not a bank or a private insurance company. Under the trust framework CDIC insures eligible cash balances up to $100,000 per beneficiary (Wealthsimple Save customer) per member institution, provided certain disclosure rules are met. Coverage is free and automatic. Learn more about how CDIC protection works.


Testimonials may not be representative of the experience of other customers and are not guarantees of future performance or success. When you invest, your money is at risk and it is possible that you may lose some or all of your investment.

Wealthsimple Tax

Our Tax product is offered by SimpleTax Software Inc. under the terms of our Wealthsimple Tax User Agreement.

Wealthsimple Portfolios Graph Disclosure

Within Wealthsimple Portfolio investing accounts there is a graph that displays hypothetical future projections of performance based on the portfolio template you select. Wealthsimple Portfolios are self-directed accounts, you can pick a portfolio to start and customize the holdings and allocations to suit your own preferences.

The graph shown is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the actual returns of an account. The graph shown assumes you do not make any changes to the portfolio template. The projected returns are simulated based on a projected cash rate of 3.5%, plus excess returns ranging from 2.8% to 4.7%, after deducting Wealthsimple’s automated trading and rebalancing fee of 0.50% and assuming average ETF MER of 0.15%. The specific excess return depends on the risk level of your account.

The hypothetical projections in this graph are based on an initial deposit, an amount contributed to the account each month, and the assumed rate of return based on the portfolio template.

The “likely” section of the graph represents a 50% confidence interval, while the “less likely” section represents a 90% confidence interval. These projections are based on forward-looking Sharpe ratios, asset class volatility, and historical long-term correlations for each portfolio template. They do not take into account sales, redemptions, transfers, optional charges, or income tax payable by clients, which would reduce the returns.

Please note that all the information provided is hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only. It is not intended as investment advice or constitute a recommendation. Simulated performance does not necessarily indicate future results, and actual allocations and performance may differ. All investments involve risk. For more information about our products, investment decisions, fee schedules and disclosures, please visit